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Evvie turns one | Bedford NH photographer

Sweet sweet baby Evvie turns one. She came back to see me in my studio for an adorable one year session. At first, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to smile for us. A lot of work later and we finally got her all warmed up and having a blast. I just love this age. I…

Newborn photographer in New Hampshire | Baby Nolan

I just loved getting to meet Baby Nolan at our adorable newborn session. I have had the pleasure of capturing one year photos of big brother Gavin and a beautiful maternity session before little brother arrived. This family is so much fun to be around and I can’t wait to see what it’s like when…

Baby Maren | Bedford NH newborn photographer

Oh baby Maren, you are the sweetest. This session was just so girlie and lovely. Baby Maren came to see my in my Bedford, New Hampshire studio. Her parents were completely smitten with her as she was their first precious babe (minus their fur baby). I love asking new parents what their favorite part of…

1 comment
  • JenNovember 29, 2018 - 2:52 pm

    Maren is just precious.  These are really beautiful, Megan. ReplyCancel
